Khanti wrote:16. Standard scenario. I wonder why Taiho class CV is worse in every case than other big Japanese carriers (Soryu or Shokaku class have better AA). Taiho had those 12?100 mm (3.9 in)/65 cal Type 98 anti-aircraft guns, widely considered as best Japanese AA.
I'll look into the matter
Khanti wrote:17. It is very cumbersome to check equipment statistics (tanks, airplanes: infantry/armor/air attack values). I use it often to check if my planes should attack or not, but the only way is to use depot/production screen with those +-39/+-100 values. But there are over 2600 pieces of equipment. Please add +-500/+-1000 buttons.
Khanti wrote:18. Function sleep / sentry for units is a must. As USA I can have 4 thousands units! I can't skip them every turn! I want some of them to sleep until I click them when I will need them.
Yes, this feature will
Khanti wrote:20. They say that "At the beginning of the Pacific War no Allied fighter was a match for the Zero. The best of the early American Army fighters was probably the Curtiss P-40 and the early models of this fighter were distinctly inferior to the Zero." But in your game A6M2 is not superior, even in early months of war. A6M2 (July 40) is 15/10,the same as F4F-3 (September 39) and F4F-4 (November 41) is even better at 15/12.
I'll look into the matter
Khanti wrote:21. Late American fighters. Most people think P-51 Mustang was better than P-47 Thunderbolt. You seems to think alike. But I've read this article when former fighter pilot said clearly that P-47 was superior:
I'll look into the matter
Khanti wrote:22. Why USA infantry division`42 pattern did not have any AA guns inside?
I'll look into the matter
Khanti wrote:23. It looks that only experienced engineer units have river crossing ability. Units with conscripts have no ability.
Yes. (engineer/pontoon/saper unit need >= 300 men, and experience >= 30). And for building airbases also.
Khanti wrote:24. Lost airplanes, which not finished their turn on airfield/carrier, are not shown in casualties screen. Just gone without notice.
Yes. yet it is so.
Khanti wrote:25. It's too common for AI to use (fight) 30-men divisions. It looks ridiculous and nonsense.
Treat them as separate small units (with the possibility in future fill full OOB)
Khanti wrote:26. New ships need elite recruits! Good idea, but AI uses up all its elites in a few days. So no more new AI ships after few days ;(
Khanti wrote:27. Air vs. sea battle. Land units transported by ship - 30 men "division" with 5 experience. Attacking is 27/27/27 Japanese air group with 100 experience (81 planes total). Losses: 3 Japanese airplanes, 3 American soldiers. Another try: 2 lost airplanes, 3 lost soldiers. The same "division" after landing is killed in one attack without any losses.
Reduces the damage caused to small vessels with low capacity because of their stealth.
Khanti wrote:28. Warships vs. land transports in sea battle. Another land units transported by ship - 30 men "division". I've noticed I can attack it many times until it is killed. Great for TRAINING ships!
I can attack those 30-men "ghost" divisions as many as 6-9 times till it's dead (no matter what force I use). But better be careful when using battleships - they hurt them too badly and too fast (3-4 attack to kill). So the best ships for attacking "ghost" divisions are destroyers, carriers and light cruisers.
Answer as in 28.
Any ideas?
Khanti wrote:29. It looks like building/repairing ships is random. I have started 2 heavy cruisers Mogami class the same day: now one is 7%, the other is 11%. The question: is it important if ship is building alone in one square or with other (4) ships?
Heav. aircraft carrier Random ~1% add in 6 day ~600 day full time
Heav. aircraft carrier Random ~1% add in 3 day ~300 day full time
Destroyer Random ~1% add in 2 day ~200 day full time
Khanti wrote:30. AI ships with 0 ammo seems lost. Do AI know how to resupply ammo in ships (friendly port)?
Some error.
AI know about friendly(ally) port, but error - no supply. It will be fixed
In its port all ok
Khanti wrote:31. Land units. Do guns\mortars\equipment fire vs enemy even when "HQ, crews, others" men are 0 (zero)? I attacked land unit that has 118 infantry soldiers, 26 machineguns, 0 crews and 28 air defense guns with my 81 aircraft. Land unit is destroyed but I lost 6 planes.
Soldiers fight, but with less quality.
Simplification, of course

Khanti wrote:32. Function "GO TO". I remember it from old games like Civ 1 or Civ 2. It will be very useful with tons of units. I can't remember where all my units were supposed to go last turn. Just too many units. If I could set "target to go" for unit, it will be easier.