Discussion - scenario "Normandy - 1944"

"Soldiers of Empires II" ("Soldiers of Empires 2") is a highly detailed turn based wargame of the World War Two beginning in 1939.

Discussion - scenario "Normandy - 1944"

Postby Igor Kulakov » December 11th, 2011, 7:05 pm

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Re: Discussion - scenario "Normandy - 1944"

Postby Khanti » February 17th, 2014, 3:06 am

Just a few questions:
1. Why Germany does not get a single land equipment during those 4 months of fighting (early June- late September)? Germany has only some fighter replacements in slow warehouse.
2. Why there is not a SORTING function available in fast/slow warehouses (like "all produced equipment on top with higher produced things first on list") - it will be very helpful when searching equipment list.
3. Maybe there could be possibility to some limited production in such scenario (4 months is long time). Production ON?
4. AI needs 2.30 min to run all countries when player is Germany (with AI battle view). Nice but it's small scenario.
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Re: Discussion - scenario "Normandy - 1944"

Postby trurle » February 17th, 2014, 5:53 am

Summer 1944 - the time of defeat of main German forces in Russia.
German may receive some reinforcements on west until June, 22th, but after they had to cope with much worse disaster on East.
So no production for West is reasonable
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Re: Discussion - scenario "Normandy - 1944"

Postby dalibor » February 17th, 2014, 9:54 pm

hello Oleg, I do not know if you understand what Khanti writes ....

Why would a separate scenario (which lasts four months, it is not enough) should be complementary possibilities?

Who would have enjoyed playing around 120 turns without replenishment. You all right?
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Re: Discussion - scenario "Normandy - 1944"

Postby trurle » February 18th, 2014, 3:35 am

Correct way to simulate production/replenishment in 1944 Normandy scenario is to wrap it with world map (another super-scenario).
Alternative (cheap) fix may be to implement off-map industrial capability akin Ural factories in "2nd front" game.
But such substitution will be only approximate. I am not sure if its ok. Discussion needed.

If we just set economy=on in current Normandia 1944 scenario, production will be hopelessly skewed in the favor of Axis.
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Re: Discussion - scenario "Normandy - 1944"

Postby Khanti » December 12th, 2015, 2:16 am

Khanti wrote:Just a few questions:
4. AI needs 2.30 min to run all countries when player is Germany (with AI battle view). Nice but it's small scenario.

"Soldiers of Empires II" version 1.4 needs only seconds without wieving AI moves and 1.40 min to run all countries :)

Human Player = Germany
It's first turn.
View AI turn = yes
Turn = 1 day.

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