SoE-2 v.1.2 (December 31, 2012) uploaded! - download latest version
list changes:
Rewritten and accelerated (decrement time - 40-45%) algorithm AI turn. Changed time for option "AI turn delay" selected unit for AI turn. New values AI turn delay:
a) Without visualization AI turn - default, fastest way
b) With visualization AI turn (0.5 sec delay for selected unit) - need more time for AI turn
Added new option "Turn = 1 day (default) / Turn = 2 days " (see Main Menu->Options) If selected "Turn = 2 days" actions is old (2 per turn -for army, 3 per turn -for air/navy)
But game is 2 times faster. Level of military economy as is actually doubled.
Added support some display resolutions. List supported resolutions:
- 1024*768
- 1152*864
- 1280*768
- 1280*800
- 1280*960
- 1280*1024
- 1920*1080
* Added 4 buttons: "Next unit"(full list, army, air, navy) in main game mode
* Fixed error: incorrect checking in supply for "MR launcher" line in screen "Unit supply"
* Fixed error: "Range check error" in procedure "Game Editor:map converter"
* updated superscenario "World War II 1941-1945"
- many units info corrected
- fixed a lot of data about the countries
- some terrain corrections
* updated scenario "France 1940"
- fixed issue in data for British 51st infantry division and next error: impossibility
to continue the game
* some corrections in procedure "AI: orders - production of military equipment"
* some improvements in game interface
* horses(stock) increase now:
(number horses-birth ~ size of horses (stock) and ~ economic potential)
* some improvements in AI for choice of target of movement
* some improvements in AI for choice of target of attacking
* some corrections in AI for artillery fire
* many corrections, improvements and additions to the game sources
* some corrections to the game database - aircrafts, weapons
* added some sound effects (battles, movements, etc...)
* many images for weapons list added
Happy New Year!