Technical support

"Soldiers of Empires II" ("Soldiers of Empires 2") is a highly detailed turn based wargame of the World War Two beginning in 1939.

Re: Technical support

Postby Igor Kulakov » May 2nd, 2012, 3:47 pm

In scenario "France-1940" found error in data (for 51 GB inf. div), and next error (AI turn): impossibility to continue the game. Error fixed. Corrected scenario be present in SoE-2 version 1.2 and here:

1. unzip scenario
2. replace old file in directory STD in game directory.

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Re: Technical support

Postby Igor Kulakov » October 12th, 2012, 6:40 pm

SoE-2 version 1.2 BETA (october 11, 2012)

download: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=30&start=10#p2725

use 7-zip ( for decompression
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Re: Technical support

Postby Igor Kulakov » October 21st, 2012, 11:15 pm

Update super-scenario "World War Two 1941-1945" (version: october, 21 2012)

1. unzip scenario
2. replace old file in directory STD in game directory.

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Re: Technical support

Postby Igor Kulakov » December 31st, 2012, 5:03 pm

SoE-2 v.1.2 (December 31, 2012) uploaded! - download latest version

list changes:

* Rewritten and accelerated (decrement time - 40-45%) algorithm AI turn.
Changed time for option "AI turn delay" selected unit for AI turn. New values AI turn delay:
a) Without visualization AI turn - default, fastest way
b) With visualization AI turn (0.5 sec delay for selected unit) - need more time for AI turn
* Added new option "Turn = 1 day (default) / Turn = 2 days " (see Main Menu->Options)
If selected "Turn = 2 days" actions is old (2 per turn -for army, 3 per turn -for air/navy)
But game is 2 times faster. Level of military economy as is actually doubled.
* Added support some display resolutions. List supported resolutions:
- 1024*768
- 1152*864
- 1280*768
- 1280*800
- 1280*960
- 1280*1024
- 1920*1080
* Added 4 buttons: "Next unit"(full list, army, air, navy) in main game mode
* Fixed error: incorrect checking in supply for "MR launcher" line in screen "Unit supply"
* Fixed error: "Range check error" in procedure "Game Editor:map converter"
* updated superscenario "World War II 1941-1945"
- many units info corrected
- fixed a lot of data about the countries
- some terrain corrections
* updated scenario "France 1940"
- fixed issue in data for British 51st infantry division and next error: impossibility
to continue the game
* some corrections in procedure "AI: orders - production of military equipment"
* some improvements in game interface
* horses(stock) increase now:
(number horses-birth ~ size of horses (stock) and ~ economic potential)
* some improvements in AI for choice of target of movement
* some improvements in AI for choice of target of attacking
* some corrections in AI for artillery fire
* many corrections, improvements and additions to the game sources
* some corrections to the game database - aircrafts, weapons
* added some sound effects (battles, movements, etc...)
* many images for weapons list added

Happy New Year!
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Re: Technical support

Postby trurle » February 5th, 2014, 8:08 am

I have made some fixes (about 150) for city names in WWII scenario - mostly in Japan, China and Soviet Siberia
also, moved Trincomalee base 150km to north (it was misplaced before)
Would developer issue version 1.32 with these fixes?
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Re: Technical support

Postby Igor Kulakov » February 5th, 2014, 2:08 pm

trurle wrote:I have made some fixes (about 150) for city names in WWII scenario - mostly in Japan, China and Soviet Siberia
also, moved Trincomalee base 150km to north (it was misplaced before)
Would developer issue version 1.32 with these fixes?

Your changes you have made to map of super-scenario that was in version 1.3 of January 25, 2014?
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Re: Technical support

Postby trurle » February 5th, 2014, 2:54 pm

Учите историю - может быть, в версии, которую пишут сейчас, вы уже в гробу.
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Re: Technical support

Postby Khanti » February 14th, 2014, 11:52 am

There are added support some display resolutions (- 1024*768- 1152*864- 1280*768- 1280*800- 1280*960- 1280*1024- 1920*1080), but could you make the program remember LAST used resolution?
It always starts with 1024*768 as default.
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Re: Technical support

Postby Igor Kulakov » February 14th, 2014, 2:59 pm

Khanti wrote:There are added support some display resolutions (- 1024*768- 1152*864- 1280*768- 1280*800- 1280*960- 1280*1024- 1920*1080), but could you make the program remember LAST used resolution?
It always starts with 1024*768 as default.

Position - the first in list. Create additional field in config file for this not need .Can locate at last element in list (maximal higher resolution)?
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Re: Technical support

Postby dalibor » February 14th, 2014, 5:42 pm

We exclusively use the highest resolution 1920 * of 1080.
It will be possible in the future to let the game in a window? D.
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