Version 1.4
Some thoughts.
Re-supply of units. I suggest reposition of elite and conscripts reserve troops. Conscripts should be default (first) option.
Elite are exception used only sporadically for special experienced units. Many times I wrongly used elite replacements instead of conscripts.
Air-group screen. Range of specific air-crafts should be shown on air-group screen, the same way as max speed of ships. It will be easier when combining different air-crafts in one group. Now every time I need to check production screen.
Stacks. I need to know overall strength of stacks. There are now max 5 sub-units, so you can use 1-5 numbers for these units, but please set first table for overall combined strength of whole stack. It takes too long to check every unit every time, I would like just to know combined strength of stack with one mouse click.
4. Function "Last battle casualties"
5. Please add
disband land-air unit function (disband units like "infantry division", "mortar battalion" or "fighter squadron"). I need that function to properly form my stacks. I don't need some units and will be happy to disband them and use them soldiers and equipment for other units. Staff and equipment from disbanded units should go to depots (slow or fast).
Exchange of equipment in units. It will be funny to be able to replace some old equipment in units instead of waiting until it will be completely destroyed to fulfill it with new stuff. Example: to replace those T-26 tanks with newly produced T-34.
7. Tactical bombers are sometimes called "assault bombers" (in air group forming screen).
8. It seems there are desertions or deaths by illness. I loose troops even
without fights (tested as USA in superscenario).
9. Ranger infantry battalion USA - has 1 hex movement (no cars or horses). It looks useless. I hoped rangers will be fast recon infantry.
10. It's bad if to remove
first ship in naval stack, one need to re-attach all 4 other ships.
1. Cruiser 22%
2. Destroyer 100%
3. Destroyer 100%
4. Destroyer 100%
5. Destroyer 100%
I want to remove cruiser from stack without removing destroyers (it needs 4 days!).
11. I want to see
ships statistics in screen when creating new ship (not only ammo, crew and cost).
12. How does exactly work function "maximum of planes" on carriers? It seems I can put more planes than max and they works normal.
13. Do naval/torpedo bombers have any special attacks/critical chances vs. naval targets?
14. AI uses half ready divisions. I've seen German-AI storming British Isles with infantry divisions consisted only troops (no equipment) and below 10 points of experience.
15. It seems air force cannot bomb cities without troops in them. Even heavy bombers cannot.
16. Standard scenario. I wonder why Taiho class CV is worse in every case than other big Japanese carriers (Soryu or Shokaku class have better AA). Taiho had those 12×100 mm (3.9 in)/65 cal Type 98 anti-aircraft guns, widely considered as best Japanese AA.
17. It is very cumbersome to check equipment statistics (tanks, airplanes: infantry/armor/air attack values). I use it often to check if my planes should attack or not, but the only way is to use depot/production screen with those +-39/+-100 values. But there are over 2600 pieces of equipment. Please add +-500/+-1000 buttons.
18. Function
sleep / sentry for units is a
must. As USA I can have 4 thousands units! I can't skip them every turn! I want some of them to sleep until I click them when I will need them.
19. Rewritten and radically accelerated (~400%) algorithm for AI turn really works! It's fairly fast now. AI is not so smart, sometimes it is idle (China!), but definitely is fast. Big thanks. And sometimes AI surprises me, hm.
20. They say that "At the beginning of the Pacific War no Allied fighter was a match for the Zero. The best of the early American Army fighters was probably the Curtiss P-40 and the early models of this fighter were distinctly inferior to the Zero." But in your game A6M2 is not superior, even in early months of war. A6M2 (July 40) is 15/10,the same as F4F-3 (September 39) and F4F-4 (November 41) is even better at 15/12.
21. Late American fighters. Most people think P-51 Mustang was better than P-47 Thunderbolt. You seems to think alike. But I've read this article when former fighter pilot said clearly that P-47 was superior:
22. Why USA infantry division`42 pattern did not have any AA guns inside?
23. It looks that only
experienced engineer units have river crossing ability. Units with conscripts have no ability.
24. Lost airplanes, which not finished their turn on airfield/carrier, are not shown in casualties screen. Just gone without notice.