The list of fixes:
1) Complete rewrite of East Africa road network according to 1940 military map.
2) Minor changes of road network in Siberia (broken roads around Yakutsk which was unfinished in 1941), Korea and Thailand.
3) Road network fix in Ceylon and South India according to 1940 road map.
4) The rain-forests density increased to 100% in Congo, Amazon, and South Asia according to eco-regions maps.
5) Final expansion of Sahara desert to actual limits
6) Eliminated the permeability of mountain ranges in Andes, Rocky mountains, Greenland. The unbelievable (but appeared in previous game) event of Japanese heavy artillery retreating into Rockies while shelling US marines is no longer possible..
7) General fixes of mountain ranges around the world. Much of the erroneous Africa mountains (which are actually raised flatlands) are removed. Africa now has a proper savanna/grassland regions.
8) Severe update of coastal defense in Soviet Union - thanks to AAG!
9) Severe update of NKVD units in Soviet Union - thanks to AAG!
10) Added armoured trains to Great Britain, Soviet Union, Germany, Japan - thanks to AAG!
11) Composition fix of several Soviet unit, especially airborne brigade. I was surprised to see the amount of flamethrowers intended to be equipped before 1941. (though none was equipped actually)
12) AA defense error fix of several Japanese naval vessels. Downgraded AA capability of vessels fitted with 127mm Type 89 cannons and upgraged of these fitted with 10cm Type 98 cannons.
13) Introduced Type 98 10cm AA cannon (a superb Japanese weapon) previously incorrectly identified as Type 14 10cm AA cannon.
14) The AA defenses of Soviet armoured division rolled back - the misleading naming convention of "GAZ AA truck" to blame
15) Bugfixes and improvements of modding utility - better headers for units parameters, comma-separated format instead of semicolon-separated format, bug with negative weapon prices fixed, bug with not embedded unit size class fixed.
16) Fixes of Iran army - more aircrafts, tanks and armored cars in reserve and repair, less in units. Large reduction of units experience and morale. Added licensed production of Hawker Hart (actually Hawker Audax) aircraft - all according to "Iran at war" book.
17) 12cm wooden cannon production for those who cannot produce modern artillery (Iran, Mongol, Thai)

18) Learning curve coefficient has been changed from 0.667 to 0.7. In practice, it mean heaviest weapons are now 20-40% cheaper. This change is to address the too much rejection of new models of aircraft.
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