by Khanti » May 22nd, 2015, 3:19 am
Opinion: good move in terms of popularizing this game. I am not sure how much money can be earned though.
Some suggestions:
1. Similar games have prices up around 30-50$ but those products are final/polished versions (with shorter AI processing time).
2. John Tiller Software's - Panzer Campaigns are operational wargames (for fans mostly) that sells for 40$. In these games units are divisions with battalions level sub-units (but can be divided up to companies). Most casual players will NOT play game with battalions/companies because of too much management needed.
3. Victor Reijkersz's Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris \ Case Blue games sells for (regular price) 40$. In these games units are divisions, but only 4 sub-units (regiments) are in each division. Less units, more manageable, more player base.
4. SOE2 has too many units, too small units. It should be divisional level game with separate regiments at best (with exception of tank/jagdpanzer attached battalions). But with those MG battalions or other small units it will not sell well. Not many people have enough time/patience to play such game.