40th Infantry Division California National Guard
на 7 дек 41 - Camp San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo California
40th Infantry Division California National Guard
79th Infantry Brigade California National Guard
(-) 159th Infantry Regiment, (Motorized) California National Guard (The 159th Infantry Regiment was relieved from the 40th Division on 29.09.41.)
184th Infantry Regiment, California National Guard
80th Infantry Brigade California National Guard
160th Infantry Regiment, California National Guard
185th Infantry Regiment, California National Guard
65th Field Artillery Brigade, Utah National Guard (65th Artillery Brigade 3 March 1941)
143th Field Artillery Regiment, (75mm Tk Drawn) California National Guard
(143rd FA Regt (75mm)(Truck-D) 3 Mar 41, 1st & 2nd Bns became 143rd & 164th FA Bns on 5 Feb 42.)
145th Field Artillery Regiment, (75mm Tk Drawn) Utah National Guard
(145th FA Regt (75mm)(Truck-D) 3 Mar 41, 1st & 2nd Bns became 213th & 145th FA Bns on 24 Mar 42 & 6 Jun 42.)
222th Field Artillery Regiment, (155mm Tk Drawn) Utah National Guard
(222nd FA Regt (155mm How)(Truck-D) 3 Mar 41, 1st & 2nd Bns became 222nd FA Bn & 1/204th FA Regt on 5 Feb 42.)
115th Engineer Battalion, (Combat) Utah National Guard
date inducted [1]
date converted [2]
[1] Inducted into Federal service.
[2] Converted to the triangular organization. and redesignated as Infantry Division.
40 пд
79 Infantry brigade
- 159 Inf Rgt (The 159th Infantry Regiment was relieved from the 40th Division on 29.09.41.)
- 184 Inf Rgt
80 Infantry brigade
- 160 Inf Rgt
- 185 Inf Rgt
65 Artillery brigade
- 143 FA Rgt (75mm)
- 145 FA Rgt (75mm)
- 222 FA Rgt (155mm)
115 engineer regiment
40th Division: Mobilized on 3 March 1941.
79th Infantry Brigade HHC
159th Infantry Regiment (detached on 9/29/41)
184th Infantry Regiment (detached on 6/16/42)
80th Infantry Brigade HHC
160th Infantry Regiment16
185th Infantry Regiment
65th Field Artillery Brigade HHB
143rd Field Artillery Battalion (75mm)
145th Field Artillery Battalion (75mm)
222nd Field Artillery Battalion (155mm)
Headquarters 39th Division
HQs & HQs Detachment
Medical Detachment
Headquarters Company
40th Military Police Company
40th Signal Company
115th Ordnance Company
115th Engineers (Combat) Battalion
115th Medical Regiment
115th Quartermaster Regiment
108th Infantry Regiment (assigned on 9/1/42.)
160th Infantry Regiment
185th Infantry Regiment
HHB Division Artillery
222nd Field Artillery Battalion (155mm)
143rd Field Artillery Battalion (105mm)
164th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm)
213th Field Artillery Battalion (105mm)
40th Reconnaissance Troop, Mechanized
115th Engineer Combat Battalion
115th Medical Battalion
40th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment
Headquarters Special Troops
Headquarters Company, 40th Division
Military Police Platoon
740th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company
40th Quartermaster Battalion
40th Signals Company
The 40th Infantry Division was activated for World War II on 3 March 1941. It was at the time a
National Guard division from the California and Utah Army National Guards. It departed for
overseas service on 23 August 1942.
The Division's first overseas assignment was the defense of outer islands of Hawai'i, where
it arrived in September 1942. Training continued as defensive positions were improved and