by Igor Kulakov » August 18th, 2012, 9:15 am
106 Coastal Artillery (AA) Battalion
на 7 дек 41 - Camp Hulen, Texas
106 Coastal Artillery (AA) Battalion (separate)
6 Jan 41 106th AAA Auto-Weapons Bn (SP)
the 123rd Cavalry Regiment was officially disbanded at
the end of October 1940. It was divided into two Coast Artillery battalions. Half
of the Regiment became the 103rd Separate Battalion, Coast Artillery (Anti-
Aircraft) while the other half was converted to the 106th Separate Battalion, Coast
Artillery (Anti-Aircraft)
On December 23, all federally recognized elements of the 38th Division
were ordered to federal active duty for one year beginning 17 January 1941. The
149th Infantry Regiment, the 138th Field Artillery Regiment, and all special units
of the Kentucky National Guard, including the 106th Coast Artillery Battalion, were
included in this order. The exception was the 103rd Coast Artillery, which was not
inducted until 24 February 1941
Inducted into federal active service on 6 January 1941 at its home station
in Covington, the 106th Coast Artillery Battalion trained at Camp Hulen, Texas,
from 15 January 1941 to 31 March 1942. In January 1942, the battalion was
assigned to the War Department, then reassigned to the Fifth Army Corps a
month later (62).
Orders were received in April directing the 106th to move to New York in
preparation for overseas duty. This movement lasted from April 3-30. The ship
embarked from New York on April 30 and sailed for Northern Ireland, arriving
May 15. It remained in the United Kingdom until 19 October, when it was
transferred to North Africa. It arrived at Algeria on November 7. Between 17
November 1942 and 13 May 1943, the 106th participated in the Tunisian
Campaign. In January 1943, the 106th was assigned to the Fifth Army. Between
7 November 1942 and 7 July 1943, the 106th was in Africa.