Австралия - корабли на 22.06.41
Тяж. крейсера
* Australia (тип Kent)
между апрелем и ноябрем 1941г - в Индийском Океане...
прикидка - ставим в инд. океане
* Canberra (тип Kent)
in mid June 1941 visited the west Indian Ocean for the last time and departing
Zanzibar proceeded for Colombo. After a brief period escorting in Indian waters,
she returned to Australia during the last week of July.
прикидка - ставим ок. Коломбо
Легк. крейсера
* Sydney (тип Sydney)
In April 1941, she paid a brief visit to Singapore , and later in the year visited Noumea ,
Auckland and Suva in her role as convoy escort before returning to Western Australian waters.
Sydney sailed from Fremantle on Armistice Day, 11 November, 1941 to escort the troopship
Zealandia to Sunda Strait where she was to be relieved by the British cruiser HMS Durban
for the last leg of the voyage to Singapore . The voyage was without incident and at noon
on the 17 November, Zealandia was turned over to Durban and Sydney then proceeded back to
Fremantle where she was expected to arrive on the afternoon of 20 November 1941.
прикидка - ставим в Fremantle
* Perth (тип Sydney)
On 29 April 1941, PERTH's aircraft was shot down off Suda Bay, but its crew of three was
rescued by destroyer. Patrols and convoy escort duties occupied the ship during May. Since
being damaged at Malta, PERTH had several times escaped damage in attacks by German aircraft,
but on 22 May enemy aircraft succeeded in damaging the ship by a near miss.
During a stay at Alexandria from 24 to 28 May urgent repairs were carried out. On 28 May,
PERTH sailed for Crete to assist in the evacuation, being attacked en route by a German
aircraft but fortunately escaping damage. During the return from Crete with 1188 passengers
aboard PERTH, the convoy was attacked five times and on 30 May the ship was hit by a bomb in
a boiler room. Two cooks, two sailors and nine passengers were killed and the boiler room was
put out of action. The ship was later badly shaken by several very near misses. Alexandria was
reached on 31 May and PERTH remained there until 25 June undergoing repairs.
Alexandria, заканчивается ремонт, 99% состояния
* Hobart (тип Sydney)
The Australian cruiser continued escort and patrol duties as a unit of the Red Sea Force
until October 1940 when it was arranged between the Commander-in-Chief East Indies and the
Australian Commonwealth Naval Board that she be returned to her home waters. Following refit
at Colombo, HOBART reached Fremantle on 28 December 1940. Thereafter until the end of
June 1941 she was engaged on escort duties on the Australia Station.
In early August 1941 HOBART joined the Mediterranean Fleet. En route from Australia she
encountered action when she reached Suez on 13 July. Shortly after midnight heavy raids
by dive bombers developed and the crowded troop transport GEORGIC received a direct hit
setting her fiercely ablaze. In an effort to beach herself, she collided with the transport
GLENEARN, forcing that ship ashore. HOBART had a busy night with boats and medical parties
away transferring the GEORGIC's crew and passengers to safety. Later that day (14 July) she
successfully refloated GLENEARN and towed her into deep water.
прикидка - ставим в Fremantle
* Adelaide (тип Adelaide/Birmingham)
Adelaide (I) departed Noumea in October and arrived back in Sydney on 8 October 1940.
From then until May 1942 Adelaide (I) carried out patrols, convoy escort and shipping
protection duties on the Australia Station.
прикидка - ставим в Сиднее
лидер эсминцев
* Stuart ( тип Shakespeare/Scott)
In May 1941 the regular 'Tobruk Ferry Service' for the supply and reinforcement of the
beleaguered Australian garrison at Tobruk had been instituted by destroyers of the Inshore
Squadron. Stuart (I) joined the 'Tobruk Ferry Service' in June and during that month and
July she made twenty-four runs.
These were highlights of Stuart (I)'s part in the Mediterranean campaign representing only
a small portion of her constant comings and goings over that war torn sea. She took part
in numerous minor fleet operations and was particularly concerned with the safe passage of
the many convoys east and west bound including those sent to maintain the key strategic
island of Malta. By mid 1941 the old destroyer was badly feeling the
strain and if she was to remain in service an extensive refit had become imperative. She
had survived more than fifty air attacks and was trembling in every rivet.
On 25/26 July 1941 she made her final run to Tobruk and barely limped back to Alexandria.
On 22 August, with her port engine out of commission, she sailed for Australia. Steaming
on one engine she reached Fremantle on 16 September and Melbourne on 27 September where
a long refit was begun which kept her in dockyard hands until April 1942.
между Тобруком и Александрией
* Vampire ( тип Type V/W)
On 13 May Vampire (I) was assigned to the 'Tobruk Ferry' as the shuttle service was soon named.
Two days later she sailed from Alexandria carrying stores and 102 troops, returning two days
later with 180 wounded. On 21 May she sailed again but returned to Alexandria a tired ship
with defects mounting daily. Vibrations above 16 knots made it impossible to maintain the fast
runs the work demanded. It was reluctantly decided to withdraw her from the Mediterranean and
send her to Singapore for an extensive refit.
On 29 May she passed through the Suez Canal en route for Malaya. On 20 June she entered Singapore
Dockyard, where she remained in dockyard hand throughout July, August and September.
CMDR W.T.A Moran RAN assumed command of Vampire (I) at Singapore on 16 October 1941.
Many of her crew were newly drafted from Australia. The refit was completed on
15 November 1941 but a collision in Keppel Harbour with the steamer Perak delayed
operational readiness until late November, final trials ending on 26 November. On this day
Vampire (I) sailed for Sarawak in Borneo, transporting the General Officer Commanding Malaya,
General Percival, and some of his staff. On 1 December she was back in Singapore.
Сингапурские верфи, ремонт, 75%
* Voyager ( тип Type V/W)
On 27 May, on the eve of the evacuation, Voyager (I) detached and entered Alexandria to begin
operations to Tobruk. The 'Tobruk Ferry' occupied Voyager (I) throughout June 1941. Five runs
were made from Alexandria to Tobruk and return. Another five voyages were made from Mersa Matruh
to Tobruk and return. On 29 June she reached Alexandria for docking, a weary ship trembling in
every plate.
Voyager (I)'s Mediterranean service was now drawing to a close. On 12 July she made one last run
to Tobruk. She experienced engine trouble and limped into Alexandria the following day. It marked
the end of eighteen months service under constant pressure.
On 24 July Voyager (I) cleared Alexandria Harbour for the last time en route for Australia. She
arrived in Sydney on 25 September 1941 after an absence of 751 days. She was placed in refit
which was completed on 3 March 1942.
* ставим в районе Mersa Matruh, 85%
* Waterhen ( тип Type V/W)
In May 1941 the regular 'Tobruk Ferry Service' for the supply and reinforcement of the beleaguered
Australian garrison at Tobruk was instituted by destroyers of the Inshore Squadron. This duty
occupied Waterhen (I) for the remainder of her career.
On 28 June 1941 Waterhen (I) left Alexandria for Tobruk with Defender on what was to be her last
run. At 7:45 pm on the 29th, off Sollum, both ships were attacked by dive bombers and Waterhen (I),
though not directly hit, was holed by near misses and immobilized. Her ship's company and embarked
troops were taken off by Defender. There were no casualties.
* ставим в Александрии
* Vendetta ( тип Type V/W)
Commencing on 29 May when she sailed from Alexandria with 150 troops and 25 tons of stores, and
ending on 2 August, when she entered Tobruk for the last time, Vendetta (I) was constantly at work
ferrying men and material. In that time she embarked for passage 4,263 troops, 220 prisoners of
war and carried 616 tons of stores and ammunition into Tobruk. She made eleven runs from
Alexandria, besides operating between Tobruk and Mersa Matruh. In all she sailed out of Tobruk
Harbour nineteen times. It was arduous and dangerous work and several ships suffered damage and
On 24 June AUCKLAND was sunk when attacked by 48 Junkers aircraft. HMAS Parramatta (II) by
skillful handling escaped damage, shot down three aircraft and rescued 162 of AUCKLAND's crew.
On 29 June Waterhen (I) was so severely damaged that she capsized while under tow the following
day. On 9 July DECOY was damaged by a near miss. On 11 July Vendetta (I) and DEFENDER en route
from Tobruk to Alexandria were attacked by moonlight by bombers. DEFENDER suffered a direct hit
which broke her back and she too was lost in spite of Vendetta (I)'s attempts to tow her to
Vendetta (I) spent the first few days of August 1941 at Alexandria. On 10 August she proceeded
to Haifa where she spent sixteen days in refit, returning to Alexandria at the close of the month.
In September, after a period as emergency destroyer at Alexandria, she resumed convoy escort duty
operating mainly from Port Said to Famagusta and Haifa. Except for four days at Alexandria, she
continued this work until 13 October when she arrived at Alexandria for boiler cleaning in
preparation for her impending departure from the Mediterranean.
* ставим в Александрии
* Arunta ( тип Tribal)
Type Tribal Class Destroyer
Laid down 15 November 1939
Launched 30 October 1940
Builder Cockatoo Docks and Engineering Co Ltd, Sydney
Commissioned 30 March 1942
- на верфи, в постройке, Sydney 60%
* Warramunga ( тип Tribal)
Type Improved Tribal Class Destroyer
Laid down 10 February 1940
Launched 7 February 1942 by Mrs Forde, wife of the Minister for the Arm
Builder Cockatoo Docks and Engineering Co Ltd, Sydney
Commissioned 23 November 1942
- на верфи, в постройке, Sydney 30%
* Napier ( Type J/K/N)
At 9:00 am the expected air attacks developed when twelve planes made a determined attempt to
sink NAPIER. Two sticks each of eight bombs fell on her port side and across her stern.
Fourteen were classed as near misses. Damage to her engine and boiler rooms reduced speed
to twenty knots. The attackers did not escape unscathed from the intense anti-aircraft fire
and in the words of NAPIER's Commanding Officer, 'One Ju.88 was certainly shot down and it
is considered three others were damaged.' In spite of her hazardous passage no life was lost
and all troops were safely landed at Alexandria.
The next two-and-a-half months, June to August 1941, were spent at Port Said making good damage
defects. The destroyer however was not entirely idle. She was designated control ship for harbour
air defence. On the night following her berthing, Port Said suffered its first air raid. Eleven
bombs fell nearby, but she escaped further damage from this and repeated subsequent heavier raids.
Refitting completed she assumed duty in August 1941 as leader of the 7th Flotilla which included
among others, destroyers well known for their Mediterranean service, HM Ships JAGUAR, JACKAL,
Port Said, ремонт, 90%
* Nestor ( Type J/K/N)
NESTOR was a unit of the force which hunted and sank the German battleship BISMARCK, although
having been diverted to Iceland to refuel she was not with the force when the BISMARCK was sunk
on 27 May 1941.
In July 1941 NESTOR entered the Mediterranean for the first time when she operated as one of
the escorts for the passage of important Malta convoys (Operation Substance). In August she
saw further Mediterranean service before proceeding on escort duties in the South Atlantic.
In October 1941 she returned to England for repairs and refit.
прикидка - в атлантике, ок. Гибралтара...
* Nepal ( Type J/K/N)
на верфи, в постройке, 30% Thornycroft & Co, Southampton, England
* Norman ( Type J/K/N)
на верфи, в постройке, 70% Thornycroft & Co, Southampton, England
* Nizam ( Type J/K/N)
On 21 May 1941 Nizam, in company with destroyers HM Ships ILEX, JERVIS and HAVOCK, carried out a
bombardment of Scarpanto; then followed the embarkation of commandos at Alexandria for passage to
Crete. The commandos were duly landed on the second attempt at Suda Bay and wounded and base
troops embarked for return to Alexandria. This work was carried out under continuous German
bombing and on the return trip further heavy bombing attacks were experienced.
Then followed two ferry trips from Crete to Alexandria to evacuating troops from Crete, during
which the ships were subject to continuous bombing from within a radius of 250 miles of Crete.
On her final trip Nizam embarked 698 troops and her sister ship HMAS NapierType brought back
705 troops, the majority of whom were Australians.
Nizam then made a run to Tobruk and back to Alexandria, followed by a period of three weeks
off the Syrian coast bombarding Vichy French positions. During this period Nizam, in company
with HM Ships NAIAD, PHOEBE, JAGUAR and KINGSTON, was in action in Beirut Bay with two Vichy
destroyers which escaped, though severely damaged. The date was 23 June 1941. Following the
Syrian campaign, Nizam went on the Tobruk Ferry run, making altogether 14 trips.
On 14 August 1941, while entering Tobruk at night, Nizam collided heavily with a wreck in the
harbour and damaged her bow. On 17 September 1941 Nizam was near missed by a bomb while leaving
Tobruk harbour and her oil fuel pumps were damaged. She was taken in tow by HMS KINGSTON and got
clear of the area, then managed to repair the damage and return to Alexandria where she was
docked for repairs.
подходил (в компании HM Ships NAIAD, PHOEBE, JAGUAR and KINGSTON) к Syrian coast, для атаки
стоявших в Beirut Bay вишистских кораблей
* Quiberon (Type Q/R)
HMAS Quiberon was one of eight Q Class destroyers built for the Royal Navy, although Quiberon was
commissioned in the Royal Australian Navy at Cowes, Isle of Wight, on 6 July 1942.
Following commissioning and manned by an Australian crew, Quiberon proceeded to Scapa Flow. Until
late August 1942 she was engaged in working up exercises in northern Scottish waters and was then
detailed to North Atlantic convoy escort duty. One of her first tasks was to form part of the
escort of a twenty-one ship troop convoy bound for Capetown but was detached from this duty to
search for a suspected U-Boat supply ship in the Atlantic. After a fruitless search over a wide
area Quiberon reached Freetown on 27 September. She then proceeded to Gibraltar and back to
British home waters, having steamed 12,000 miles and spent only three out of forty-two days
in harbour.
в постройке на верфи J. Samuel White & Co Ltd, Cowes, Isle of Wight, England 30%
* Quickmatch (Type Q/R)
HMAS QUICKMATCH was one of eight Q Class destroyers built for the Royal Navy, although QUICKMATCH
was commissioned in the Royal Australian Navy at Cowes, Isle of Wight, on 14 September 1942 under
the command of LCDR Rodney Rhoades DSC RAN.
After trials the ship commenced convoy escort duty on 5 October 1942. In November 1942 she
proceeded to the South Atlantic Station for further convoy escort duty. En route on 1 December
she intercepted the Italian blockade runner CORTELAZZO. Following four months convoy duty on the
South Atlantic Station QUICKMATCH transferred to the Indian Ocean for similar duty, although she
was detached to the South Atlantic Station during June, July and August 1943.
в постройке на верфи J. Samuel White & Co Ltd, Cowes, Isle of Wight, England 20%
шлюп Parramatta (тип Yarra/Grimsby)
In May 1941 PARRAMATTA transferred to the control of the Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean Station,
beginning with three weeks based on Port Tewfik at the head of the Gulf of Suez. On 3 June she
reached Alexandria where Walker commented that at last after 'months of monotony in the Red Sea'
he was pleased that his 'rather young and developing Ship's company' would be stimulated by contact
with the battle scarred Mediterranean Fleet.
Soon afterwards PARRAMATTA was assigned to duty on escort in support of the campaign in Libya
(Western Desert). She sailed from Alexandria on her first run to the battle area on 15 June
carrying a Naval Port Party to Mersa Matruh.
After dark on 22 June 1941 PARRAMATTA left Alexandria on her first run to beleaguered Tobruk,
escorting in company with the sloop HMS AUCKLAND, the small steamer PASS OF BALMAHA carrying a
cargo of badly need petrol. The warships were to leave her off Tobruk and wait to seaward while
she discharged her cargo and then escort her back to Alexandria.
шлюп Swan (тип Yarra/Grimsby)
Operations for the first eleven months were negative but in November 1940 the first enemy mines
were swept. These had been laid by the German auxiliary minelayer PASSAT in Bass Strait off
Wilson's Promontory. Subsequently in late 1940 and 1941, other mine fields laid in Bass Strait
by PASSAT and by the German auxiliary cruiser PINGUIN off Newcastle, New South Wales; Hobart,
Tasmania; and in Spencer Gulf, South Australia, were cleared by the 20th Minesweeping Flotilla.
Swan (II) swept ten mines.
прикидка - ставим ок. юго-вост побережья Австралии
шлюп Warrego (тип Yarra/Grimsby)
At Melbourne on 10 October 1940 Warrego (II) assumed duty as Senior Officer, 20th Minesweeping
Flotilla then comprising HMA Ships Warrego (II) (Leader), Swan (II), Orara (I), Durraween (I)
and Doomba (I). Warrego (II) operated as a minesweeper until 3 December 1941. During this period
she was engaged in the sweeping operations to clear the minefields laid by the German ships
Pinguin and Passat in Victorian, Tasmanian, South Australian and New South Wales waters in
October and November 1940.
прикидка - ставим ок. юго-вост побережья Австралии
шлюп Yarra (тип Yarra/Grimsby)
Yarra (II)'s service in the war with Iraq, carried out under the orders of the Senior Naval
Officer, Persian Gulf, was in the narrow waters of the Shatt-el-Arab, the meeting place of
the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. For the first three weeks of May she gave support to the
land forces occupying Basra and its port of Ashar, securing a bridge over the Qarmat Ali
River above Ashar to prevent enemy reinforcements crossing and occupying a point at the
mouth of the Shatt-el-Arab. On 2 May when hostilities began, the Iraqis attempted to detonate
charges attached to the Qarmat Ali Bridge. They misfired and Yarra (II) landed her gunner to
render them harmless. They, CMDR Harringtonrecorded, 'were found to consist of wet guncotton
manufactured at Waltham Abbey in 1937, misfire due to most inefficient fitting of primer.'
Late in May Harrington commanded the naval force in the combined operation charged with the
task of dispersing all the enemy found on the right bank of the Shatt-el-Arab in an area some
seven miles upstream from Ashar. The naval task force, led by Yarra (II), was to bombard and
land Indian troops and subsequently re-embark the force landed and cover the withdrawal.
The operation was preceded on the night of 22/23 May by a reconnaissance of the landing position
when six ratings from Yarra (II) in native craft and disguised as Arabs, took soundings. The
following night Harrington's flotilla, which consisted of Yarra (II), two tugs and two native
craft, set out for the landing point. By 4:00 am on 24 May all vessels were in position and
Yarra (II) began bombarding preselected targets and laying a smoke screen to cover the troop
landings. By 8:00 am the operation was over and Yarra (II) was on her way downstream. It had
been, her proceedings recorded, 'successfully completed, and Big House and the South Village
being left in flames. Expenditure of ammunition 43 rounds 4-inch, 216 rounds 0.5-inch and 550
rounds .303-inch.'
прикидка - ок. Басры
тральщики типа "Bathurst"
Laid down 19 April 1940
Launched 10 December 1940 by Mrs Dunstan, wife of the Premier of Victoria
Builder Melbourne Harbour Trust, Williamstown
Commissioned 30 August 1941
Williamstown (около Melbourne), 90%
Bathurst (I) began her career in January 1941 as a unit of the 21st Minesweeping Flotilla (RAN),
operating on the east Australian coast. In March 1941 she left Australian waters for Malaya,
where she operated as a patrol vessel based on Singapore until 26 May 1941.
On 3 June 1941 she arrived at Colombo and there joined the Eastern Fleet for escort and patrol
duties. At the close of June, Bathurst (I) entered the Red Sea, spending a month in those waters
before docking at Alexandria on 4 August 1941.
On 25 August 1941 Bathurst (I) returned to Aden, and then began a period of three and a half
months on patrol in the Gulf of Tajura (French Somaliland), with the mission of preventing dhow
traffic and blockade maintenance of the African coast. On 18 October 1941 she captured the French
launch HERON, and dhows on 5 September and 14 November 1941.
на походе к Красному морю со стороны индийского океана
BENDIGO commissioned at Sydney on 10 May 1941 under the command of Lieutenant Commander James
A.R. Patrick RANR(S).
BENDIGO departed Sydney on 4 July 1941 and began her active war career in the Darwin area where
she remained for a period of two months.
Laid down 3 May 1941
Launched 6 October 1941 by Mrs McKew, wife of the Works Manager, Evans Deakin & Co Ltd
Builder Evans Deakin & Co Ltd, Brisbane
Commissioned 29 July 1942
Брисбен, 10%
Laid down 7 June 1941
Launched 1 December 1941 by Mrs Hurwood, wife of a Director of Evans Deakin Ltd
Builder Evans Deakin Ltd, Brisbane
Commissioned 12 September 1942
Брисбен, 3%
Burnie commissioned at Sydney on 15 April 1941 under the command Lieutenant George E. Gough RANR(S).
Burnie initially served with the 20th Minesweeping Flotilla, joining the Flotilla off Cape Otway on
10 May 1941. She was then based temporarily at Fremantle for escort and patrol duties. In company
with HMAS Goulburn she left Sydney for Singapore in June 1941 via Brisbane, Townsville, Cooktown,
Thursday Island and Darwin, arriving in Singapore on 12 July 1941.
прикидка ставим - ок. Thursday Island
Laid down 31 March 1941
Launched 7 October 1941 by Mrs Weber, wife of Works Manager, Walkers Ltd24 January 1942
Builder Walkers Ltd, Maryborough (тот город, который Maryborough, Queensland)
Commissioned 11 May 1942
Maryborough, Queensland (approximately 300 kilometres north of the state capital, Brisbane), 15%
Laid down 17 February 1941
Launched 7 August 1941 by Mrs Menzies, wife of the Prime Minister
Builder Williamstown Dockyard, Melbourne
Commissioned 17 June 1942
Williamstown (около Melbourne), 35%
Laid down 16 April 1941
Launched 17 October 1941 by Lady Gordon, wife of Sir Thomas Gordon, a director of the construction firm
Builder Cockatoo Docks & Engineering Co Pty Ltd, Sydney
Commissioned 26 January 1942
Сидней, 20%
Laid down 18 April 1941
Launched 30 August 1941 by Miss M. Heady, senior lady on the staff of Mort's Dock and Engineering Co Ltd
Builder Mort's Dock and Engineering Co Ltd, Sydney
Commissioned 6 January 1942
Сидней, 20%
Laid down 19 March 1941
Launched 26 July 1941 by Dame Mary Hughes, wife of the Minister for the Navy
Builder Mort's Dock and Engineering Co Ltd, Sydney
Commissioned 22 November 1941
Сидней, 40%
Laid down 22 February 1941
Launched 17 January 1942 by Lady Royle, wife of the First Naval Member
Builder Melbourne Harbour Trust, Williamstown
Commissioned 7 September 1942
Williamstown (около Melbourne), 35%
Laid down 4 June 1940
Launched 25 October 1940 by Lady King, wife of the Chairman of Directors, Mort's Dock and Engineering Co
Builder Mort's Dock and Engineering Co Ltd, Sydney
Commissioned 24 March 1943
Сидней, 60%
Laid down 24 January 1941
Launched 4 October 1941 by Lady Dugan, wife of the Governor of Victoria
Builder Broken Hill Pty Ltd (Whyalla)
Commissioned 14 August 1942
( It is a seaport located on the east coast of the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.),
напротив Порт-Огасты и порт-Пири...
Laid down 16 October 1940
Launched 22 April 1941 by Lady Dugan, wife of the Governor of Victoria
Builder Melbourne Harbour Trust, Williamstown
Commissioned 16 January 1942
Williamstown (около Melbourne), 60%
Laid down 20 November 1940
Launched 16 August 1941 by Mrs McKell, wife of Premier of New South Wales
Builder Poole and Steel Ltd, Sydney
Commissioned 6 April 1942
Сидней, 40%
On 16 June 1941 GOULBURN, in company with her sister ship HMAS Burnie (I), sailed from Sydney for
Singapore where both ships became attached to the China Station. At Singapore in November 1941,
with HMA ships BENDIGO, Burnie (I) and MARYBOROUGH, she formed the 21st Minesweeping Flotilla.
Following the outbreak of the Pacific War in December 1941, GOULBURN was engaged on escort, patrol
and minesweeping duties, from Singapore down to Sunda Strait, until the end of January 1942.
прикидка ставим - ок. Thursday Island
Laid down 6 March 1941
Launched 11 August 1941 by Mrs Foll, wife of the Minister for the Interior
Builder Evans Deakin & Co Ltd, Brisbane
Commissioned 13 June 1942
Брисбен, 35%
Laid down 27 July 1940
Launched 7 August 1941 by Mrs Playford, wife of the Premier of South Australia
Builder Broken Hill Pty Ltd, Whyalla
Commissioned 7 April 1942
( It is a seaport located on the east coast of the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.),
напротив Порт-Огасты и порт-Пири...
Laid down 9 September 1940
Launched 16 April 1941 by Mrs Lloyd, Deputy Mayoress of Katoomba
Builder Poole and Steel Ltd, Sydney
Commissioned 17 December 1941
Сидней, 70%
Laid down 23 December 1940
Launched 30 June 1941 by Mrs Forgan-Smith, wife of the Premier of Queensland
Builder Evans Deakin & Co Ltd, Brisbane
Commissioned 9 April 1942
Брисбен, 45%
LISMORE departed Sydney for service on the East Indies Station on 21 February 1941 in company
with her sister ship HMAS BATHURST. The vessels called at Darwin en route and arrived at
Singapore on 26 March. On completion on 7 April of boiler cleaning and minor repairs, the
ships took up duty on anti-submarine patrols off Singapore. On 26 May they sailed for Suez
via Colombo, the Seychelles and Aden. They arrived at Colombo on 3 June. Shortly afterwards
the ships sailed to take up duty with the Red Sea Force.
Thereafter, until mid December 1941, LISMORE was employed on East African coastal patrol duty
which included, from August to December 1941, patrols in the Gulf of Tadjoura as a unit of the
forces employed in maintaining a blockade of French Somaliland. On 16 December 1941 LISMORE
detached from the Red Sea Force and proceeded for Colombo to join the Eastern Fleet for Indian
Ocean escort duty.
прикидка -в Красном море
Laid down 19 August 1940
Launched 21 December 1940 by Mrs Bennett, wife of a Director of Mort's Dock and Engineering Co Ltd
Builder Mort's Dock and Engineering Co Ltd, Sydney
Commissioned 14 June 1941
LITHGOW commissioned at Sydney on 14 June 1941 under the command of Commander Alfred V. Knight
LITHGOW began her active career in July 1941 as a unit of the 20th Minesweeping Flotilla sweeping
in Bass Strait and Tasmanian waters. Twenty German mines were swept by the Flotilla in 1941,
LITHGOW accounting for one of these off Tasman Island on 14 October.
Laid down 16 April 1940
Launched 17 October 1940 by Mrs Goldsmith, wife of the General Manager, Walkers Ltd
Builder Walkers Ltd, Maryborough
Commissioned 12 June 1941
MARYBOROUGH commissioned at Maryborough on 12 June 1941 under the command of LCDR Glen L.
Cant RAN.
MARYBOROUGH, after a brief period of service on the east coast of Australia, proceeded in
November 1941 to Singapore. There on 28 November she became a unit of the 21st Minesweeping
Maryborough, Queensland (approximately 300 kilometres north of the state capital, Brisbane)
Laid down 23 September 1940
Launched 15 March 1941 by Mrs Durnford, wife of the Second Naval Member
Builder Mort's Dock and Engineering Co Ltd, Sydney
Commissioned 23 July 1941
Сидней, 90%
Laid down 6 November 1940
Launched 26 June 1941 by Mrs Walker, wife of the Chairman of Directors, Walkers Ltd
Builder Walkers Ltd, Maryborough
Commissioned 21 January 1942
Maryborough, Queensland (approximately 300 kilometres north of the state capital, Brisbane),
Laid down 6 August 1940
Launched 26 March 1941 by Mrs Lowther, wife of a Walkers Ltd employee
Builder Walkers Ltd, Maryborough
Commissioned 9 October 1941
Maryborough, Queensland (approximately 300 kilometres north of the state capital, Brisbane),
Laid down 16 November 1940
Launched 13 May 1941 by Mrs McNeil, wife of the Third Naval Member
Builder Evans Deakin & Co Ltd, Brisbane
Брисбен, 60%
Laid down 24 April 1941
Launched 18 February 1942 by Mrs Poole, wife of the Chairman of Directors, Poole and Steel Ltd
Builder Poole and Steel Ltd, Sydney
Commissioned 15 July 1942
Сидней, 10%
Laid down 13 November 1940
Launched 8 May 1941 by Mrs Simpson, wife of a Director of Mort's Dock and Engineering Co Ltd
Builder Mort's Dock and Engineering Co Ltd, Sydney
Commissioned 23 September 1941
Сидней, 60%
Laid down 24 July 1940
Launched 12 May 1941 by Lady Barclay-Harvey, wife of the Governor of South Australia
Builder Broken Hill Pty Ltd, Whyalla
Commissioned 8 January 1942
( It is a seaport located on the east coast of the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.),
напротив Порт-Огасты и порт-Пири...
Laid down 29 January 1941
Launched 5 July 1941 by Mrs Beasley, wife of the Minister for Supply and Shipping
Builder Cockatoo Docks and Engineering Co Ltd, Sydney
Commissioned 23 October 1941
Сидней, 45%
еще тральщик типа Hunt (продан в австралию)
Примечание: еще один корабль этого типа - австралийский "Doomba" (бывш. "Wexford",
исключен в начале 1920-х и продан) с началом боевых действий реквизирован у частной
компании, где служил прогулочным судном, вооружен од-ной 102-мм пушкой и тральным
оборудованием и вступил в строй австралийского флота в конце сентября 1939 г. В
1942 г. переоборудован в корабль ПЛО (допол-нительно установлены 2 "эрликона", 2 БМБ и 2 БС).
Wexford - built by Simons, launched 1919, to mercantile service inter-war, requisitioned
September 1939, to Royal Australian Navy as HMAS Doomba, to oil hulk 1947, scuttled 1976
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