Австралия - сухопутные силы

Re: Австралия - сухопутные силы

Postby Igor Kulakov » September 8th, 2012, 1:12 pm

"сборная бригада Fort Largs"

Fort Largs located in the western Adelaide suburb of Taperoo
South Australia
Largs Battery, Adelaide, South Australia - 2 x 6in Mark VII

на дек 41 - Fort Largs

на дек 41 - Fort Largs

на дек 41 - Fort Largs

на дек 41 - Fort Largs
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Re: Австралия - сухопутные силы

Postby Igor Kulakov » September 8th, 2012, 1:22 pm

"сборная бригада Hobart"

Direction Battery, Hobart, Tasmania - 2 x 6in Mark VII
Pierson Battery, Hobart, Tasmania - 1 x 6in Mark VII

на дек 41 - Hobart

на дек 41 - Hobart

на дек 41 - Hobart

на дек 41 - Hobart
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Re: Австралия - сухопутные силы

Postby Igor Kulakov » September 8th, 2012, 1:24 pm

"сборная бригада Newcastle"

из 1-й бригады берег. арти-ии
3-я рота тяж. арт - Newcastle
103-я рота тяж. арт - Newcastle
из 5-й бригады берег. арти-ии
13-я рота тяж. арт - Newcastle
113-я рота тяж. арт - Newcastle

CD в ньюкасле в WWII:
Park Battery, The Hill, Newcastle - 2 x 6in Mark VII
Scratchley Battery, Newcastle East, Newcastle - 2 x 6in Mark VII and 1 x 6pdr 10cwt
Wallace Battery, Stockton, Newcastle - 2 x 9.2in Mark X
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Re: Австралия - сухопутные силы

Postby Igor Kulakov » September 15th, 2012, 3:54 pm

сборная бригада Port Kembla


Port Kembla
Breakwater Battery, Port Kembla - 2 x 6in Mk XI guns
Drummond Battery, Coniston, Wollongong - 2 x 9.2in Mk XV guns -эту не считать, сделана в 42г
Illowra Battery, Port Kembla - 2 x 6in Mk XI guns
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Re: Австралия - сухопутные силы

Postby Igor Kulakov » September 15th, 2012, 3:55 pm

сборная бригада Torres Strait(Thursday Island)

Крепость (берегов. арт-я) Thursday Island

на дек 41 - Thursday Island, Torres Strait

Millman battery (coastal defense) - 1*4,7'' MK III
Goody battery (coastal defense) - 2*6' MK XI
пех. подразделение Co.A/49 (К.И. - company, т.е. рота A из 49 пех. бат-на...)
пех. рота Torres Strait (124 чел)
инж. рота (117 чел)

Torres Strait:

Endeavour Battery
Goods Battery
Kings Battery
Millman Battery
Turtle Battery
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Re: Австралия - сухопутные силы

Postby Igor Kulakov » September 15th, 2012, 3:55 pm

сборная бригада Townsville

БО Townsville
Magazine Battery
Magnetic Battery
Pallarenda Battery

на дек 41 - Townsville

на дек 41 - Townsville
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Re: Австралия - сухопутные силы

Postby Igor Kulakov » September 16th, 2012, 10:04 am

Полевая артиллерия

13 Fd Regt
13 арт бат-н (field regiment!) (regiment, а не бат-н)

Порт-Морсби, Нов. Гвинея

(часть подразделений в пути на дек 41г)

13 Fd Regt

Adelaide 1939 - 4 Military District
New Guinea 1942 - New Guinea Force
Australia 1944 - 11 Div

т.е. на 22.06 - скорее, всего ок. Аделаиды...
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Re: Австралия - сухопутные силы

Postby Igor Kulakov » September 16th, 2012, 10:06 am

2/7th Field Regiment

9 пд австралии в тобруке -
без 2/7 и 2/8 арт. полков, к-ые оставались на 22.06 в Мерса-Матрух, где получили новые QF 25-pdr

In March 1941 the 9th Division was brought from Palestine to Libya to garrison the area east of
Tobruk, but the division did not have enough vehicles to bring all its units forward. In April
the 2/7th Field Regiment moved to Ikingi Marut, Egypt, and in May to Mersa Matruh, where it and
the 2/8th Field Regiment contributed to defending the "fortress". (The 2/12th Field Regiment
followed the infantry to Tobruk). It was not until the end of July, while still at Matruh,
that the regiment received most of its 25-pounders.

2/7th Field Regiment

The 2/7th Field Regiment began to take shape in late April 1940. Its first recruits had previously been members of the militia artillery brigades in South and Western Australia. The first South Australians came from the 13th Field Brigade, were sworn in on 20 May at the state recruiting depots at Wayville, and went into camp at Woodside. The first group of Western Australians came from the 3rd Field Brigade and were sworn in at Swan Barracks on 15 May, before going on to Northam camp. The South Australians made up the regiment’s 13th Battery and the West Australians made up the regiment’s 14th Battery. Although the regiment had been raised around the same time as the 7th Division, in October it was instead allotted to the 9th Division. The division’s other artillery regiments were the 2/8th and 2/12th Field Regiments. Later, in October 1941, when the regiment was in the Middle East, a third battery, the 57th, was formed.

In November the regiment’s two batteries were finally brought together. On 17 November 13th Battery left Woodside and travelled by train to Port Adelaide’s Outer Harbour ,where it joined the 2/48th Battalion and other auxiliary units, aboard the troopship Stratheden. The Stratheden reached Fremantle four days later, where 14th Battery embarked on 22 November.

The Stratheden was part of convey taking Australian and New Zealander troops to the Middle East. The voyage took just under a month and on 17 December the Stratheden reached the harbour at Kantara, on the edge of the Sinai, and the regiment travelled by train to Palestine, going into camp at Qastina. It remained in Palestine for four months, training with 18-pounder guns and 4.5-inch howitzers.

In March 1941 the 9th Division was brought from Palestine to Libya to garrison the area east of Tobruk, but the division did not have enough vehicles to bring all its units forward. In April the 2/7th Field Regiment moved to Ikingi Marut, Egypt, and in May to Mersa Matruh, where it and the 2/8th Field Regiment contributed to defending the “fortress”. (The 2/12th Field Regiment followed the infantry to Tobruk). It was not until the end of July, while still at Matruh, that the regiment received most of its 25-pounders.

After three months at Matruh, at the start of September, the 2/7th moved closer to the front, taking up a position between Halfaya Pass, controlled by German and Italian troops, and Sidi Barrani, which was being developed into a fortress by British Commonwealth troops, in the Coastal Sector. While here, the 2/7th and 2/8th employed a “sniping gun”, where a 25-pounder would go forward in the morning, observing enemy artillery fire, and fire several shells in reply, before retiring to its own lines.

The gunners remained in the western desert until October. By this time nearly all Australian troops had been evacuated from Tobruk and the 9th Division was reforming in Palestine. The 2/7th, however, was sent to the Royal Artillery’s Almaza Base Depot, Cairo, where it became the depot training regiment at the Middle East School of Artillery. In early 1942 the 9th Division moved to Syria, and in February the 2/7th took over defensive positions at Bsarma, near Tripoli, from the 2/5th Field Regiment.

By June the war in North Africa had become critical for the Allies, with the German and Italian forces reaching El Alamein, in Egypt, about 112 kilometres west of Alexandria. The 9th Division was rushed to the Alamein “box” and held the northern sector for almost four months. It was at Alamein where the 2/8th “came into its own”. The regiment reached the Alamein front in July and, having been placed under the command of the 9th Division’s 26th Brigade, took up position at Kilo 91, east of El Alamein, on 8 July. The regiment went into action two days later.

On 10 July, attacking inland from the coast, the 26th Brigade attacked the German positions at Tel el Eisa. The attack was supported by all three of the division’s artillery regiments, with the 2/7th being involved in the heavy fighting that followed when the Germans counter-attacked. Fighting continued for five days, during which time the 2/7th fired 20,129 rounds.

The 2/7th remained in action during the following months, supporting Operation Bulimba, the 20th Brigade’s attack at the start of September. During the main Alamein offensive at the end of October and the start of November, the 2/7th supported the 20th Brigade’s advance. During the 13 days of battle, the regiment fired 65,594 rounds of high-explosive shells. Once the breakthrough occurred, the regiment participated in the pursuit of enemy troops and went as far as El Daba. The 2/7th was one of the few Australian units that left the divisional area during the battle.

Alamein was a vital success for the Allies and was one of the war’s turning points. The 9th Division, however, was needed elsewhere and began returning to Australia in January 1943. The 2/7th arrived in Fremantle on 18 February and in Melbourne a week later. The regiment was given leave before moving to Queensland in April.

The gunners spent the next two years in north Australia, training first at Kiri and then Ravenshoe, on the Atherton Tablelands. Indeed, the war was almost over before the regiment again went into action. In April 1945 the division was transported to Morotai, which was being used as a staging area for the Oboe operations on Borneo.

The first phase of the Borneo operation was an amphibious landing on Tarakan Island by the 26th Brigade and the 2/7th. Coming ashore in landing craft, following the infantry, the regiment landed on Tarakan on the first day of the invasion on 1 May. Preceding the invasion, five guns from the regiment’s 57th Battery landed on Sadau Island to help cover the landing. The regiment was frequently called upon to give artillery support, shelling heavily defended Japanese positions. The regiment fired more than 37,000 shells during the campaign.

Following Japan’s surrender and the end of the war, the regiment’s ranks thinned as men were discharged or transferred. The last members of the unit left Tarakan in December and the 2/7th Field Regiment was disbanded in January 1946.

The Australian commander on Tarakan, Brigadier D.A. Whitehead, later wrote it was “good to know” that he had a whole artillery regiment to support his operations on the island. “It was certainly good to know,” he wrote, “that the Regiment was the 2/7th.”
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Re: Австралия - сухопутные силы

Postby Igor Kulakov » September 16th, 2012, 10:09 am

2/8th Field Regiment

9 пд австралии в тобруке -
без 2/7 и 2/8 арт. полков, к-ые оставались на 22.06 в Мерса-Матрух, где получили новые QF 25-pdr

In March 1941 the 9th Division was brought from Palestine to Libya to garrison the area east of
Tobruk, but the division did not have enough vehicles to bring all its units forward. In April
the 2/7th Field Regiment moved to Ikingi Marut, Egypt, and in May to Mersa Matruh, where it and
the 2/8th Field Regiment contributed to defending the "fortress". (The 2/12th Field Regiment
followed the infantry to Tobruk). It was not until the end of July, while still at Matruh,
that the regiment received most of its 25-pounders.

2/8th Field Regiment

Formed in Australia during the first year of the Second World War, the 2/8th Field Regiment served in Egypt and Syria, in the Middle East, and on Borneo, in the Pacific. It was one of the 9th Division’s three field regiments and it fought as part of the “famous division” at El Alamein and Brunei Bay.

Throughout 1940, as the size of the Second Australian Imperial Force (AIF) increased from one to four infantry divisions, new artillery units were also continuously raised –15 field regiments were raised by the end of the year. Among these were the 9th Division’s 2/7th, 2/8th, and 2/12th Field Regiments.

Men for the 2/8th initially came from Australia’s eastern states. The regiment’s 15th Battery was raised at the start of May 1940 and the 16th Battery was raised two weeks later. In October 1941, while the regiment was in the Middle East, artillery units were reorganised and a new battery, the 58th Battery, was formed.

The regiment did its initial training using 18-pounder guns and 4.5-inch howitzers. In the middle of November the regiment left Australia for the Middle East and arrived in Egypt in the middle of December, before moving to Palestine. Southern Palestine was being used as a base for the Australians, where they could complete their training, and the 2/8th went into camp at Kilo 89.

In March 1941 the 9th Division was brought from Palestine to Libya, to garrison the area east of Tobruk, but the division did not have enough vehicles to bring all of its units forward towards. Consequently, the 2/8th did not go forward with the infantry and instead contributed to the force defending Mersa Matruh fortress. The regiment received its first 25-pounders at Matruh, where it remained from May until the end of September. The regiment then moved to Sidi Barrani, where it helped to prepare the defences. The gunners left Sidi Barrani in October and returned to Palestine, where they rejoined the 9th Division. In January 1942 the Australians moved to Syria, where the 2/8th built gun sites along the high positions overlooking the coast at Jdaide.

By July the war in North Africa had become critical for the Allies, with German and Italian forces reaching El Alamein, in Egypt, about 112 kilometres west of Alexandria. The 9th Division was rushed to the Alamein “box” and held the northern sector for almost four months. It was Alamein where the 2/8th “came of age”. The regiment reached the Alamein front on 5 July, taking up position at Ruweisat Ridge, and were in action five days later.

Attacking inland from the coast, the division’s 26th Brigade attacked the German positions at Tel el Eisa on 10 July. The attack was supported by all three of the division’s regiments, with the 2/8th being involved in the heavy fighting between 10 and 12 July, as the Germans counter-attacked. On one occasion the 2/8th fired 1,250 artillery shells in one hour and a half. When the division’s 24th Brigade made its attack towards the Ruin Ridge, on 17 July, the 2/8th was again heavily involved in the action and remained so for the rest of the month. Casualties were heavy, with the 2/8th having the highest figures of the field regiments.The 2/8th remained in action, supporting operation Bulimba, the 20th Brigade’s attack at the start of September, and the main Alamein offensive at the end of October and the start of November.

Alamein was a vital success for the Allies and one of the war’s turning points. The 9th Division, however, was needed elsewhere and in January 1943 began returning to Australia. The 2/8th arrived in Melbourne on 24 February and was given leave before moving to Queensland in April.

The gunners spent the next “two long and frustrating years” in northern Australia, training first at Kiri and then Ravenshoe, on the Atherton Tablelands. Indeed, the war was almost over before the regiment again went into action.

In April 1945 the division was transported to Morotai, which was being used as a staging area for the Oboe operations on Borneo. The 2/8th moved to Morotai in May, where they received several 75 mm howitzers, in addition to their 25-pounders.

With troops having already made an amphibious landing on Tarakan in May, the rest of the division landed on Labuan Island and Brunei Bay on 10 June. Coming ashore in landing craft, the 2/8th supported the 20th Brigade as it pushed inland. There was little Japanese resistance, though, and during the campaign the gunners were mainly confined to defensive and harassing fire tasks. On 20 June the 58th Battery landed on Lutong, Sawarka, in support of the 2/13th Battalion.

Following the end of the war and Japan’s surrender, the ranks of the regiment thinned, as men were discharged or transferred. In mid-November the gunners not due for discharge were transferred to the 2/4th Pioneer Battalion, as part of Kuching Force. Those left in the regiment returned to Australia in December and the following month, on 30 January 1946, the 2/8th Field Regiment was disbanded.
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Re: Австралия - сухопутные силы

Postby Igor Kulakov » September 16th, 2012, 10:10 am

2/9 Field Regiment

2/9_арт_бат-н (полк) field

на дек 41 - сирия

Mid East 1941 - Aust Corps Troops
Syria 1941 - Aust Corps Troops & 6 Inf Div
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