SOE1 was a good game. I can still play it with pleasure. It was very comfortable with interface and FAST with AI turns. Good thing.
It was not completed anyway.
SOE2 is nice when playing small scenarios. There are errors in scenarios but they are fully playable.
But main feature of SOE2 is monster super scenario. I remember it in beta version: it took HOURS to wait for AI turn. UNPLAYABLE.
Now I use 1.3 version and it takes 30 minutes on my computer for AI to play all countries.
I tested it as Australia. AI needs 5 minutes for USSR, USA, UK, Germany, Japan (that some 25 minutes). All other countries takes 6-8 minutes.
That's better but NOT ENOUGH.
People from the west (USA, western Europe) will not play a game when they need to wait
30 minutes for a turn. You want to sell the game, you need fast AI processing. There is no other way for them to buy it.
My PC is: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30GHz Windows XP Memory (RAM):3564 MB and the game needs those 30 minutes and not run in background (
when alt-tabed). 30 minutes on screen when I can't do other work while waiting?
How to reduce AI time? Maybe change game scale.
Some scenarios are small and plays well with regiments/battalions.
Big scenarios does not play well with small units. MG battalions are useless in divisional fighting. Even regiments are useless against divisions. Try it in Kursk scenario: attack Soviet inf divisions with German rifle regiments

Wonderful experience.
So limit unit scale in super scenario to divisional level (plus some special units like engineers). Less units on map = less time processing?
If you could make it to less than 10 minutes, it could be possible to find more customers.
Remember how was SOE1 - very fast, reliable, easy to manage. In SOE2 I can't find my troops on map (no mini-map to click on it and the world is HUGE). After AI turn I don't know WHERE I lost troops and how many (need to manually write last turn casualties!). That some things that could be improved, maybe?