Discussion - alternative history in superscenario

"Soldiers of Empires II" ("Soldiers of Empires 2") is a highly detailed turn based wargame of the World War Two beginning in 1939.

Re: Discussion - alternative history in superscenario

Postby trurle » June 2nd, 2014, 10:07 am

Final conclusion on computer-controlled "Alternative history":
The major forces AI rating:
Russian rating: 2 (failing)
Japanese rating: 28 of 100 (failing)
US rating: F (failing)
British/Scotish rating: F/7 (failing)
Italian rating: FX (failing)
German rating: 5+ (failing)

Elaboration: while more or less adequate in direct confrontation, AI behavior fails systematically in long-term. Human player can easily conquer the world against computer player, regardless of selection of human-controlled faction.
Obvious bugs:
1) Vichy French do not create new land units
2) Japanese do not create new air units
3) Creation of units with insufficient resources (most damaging - creation of Division 40A units by Japanese, which forever cripple their army)
4) Movement algorithm (units move like bloodthirsty zombies - in the direction of nearby enemy, and do not move around even simple obstacles)

Less obvious bugs/features:
1) Computer player has a great difficulty arming his own units. Situation with over-stocking of warehouse and simultaneous under-arming of units is the norm. Main reason - algorithms of units production and armament production do not overlap even in single point. Nothing like formation of units to take use of easily-available stock. Also, units has no preference for common (mass-produced) armaments, and frequently has all their weapon slots clogged with exotic captured armaments.
2) No lend-lease or armaments trading/licensing schemes. I will try to fix a bit in my mods, but can not do much
3) Aircraft carriers are equipped by chance only. If aircraft carrier loses his aircraft group, it continue to fight as usual.
4) Navy units has no cost except a cost of the crew. Furthermore, navy units are battle-ready in the moment of creation - though much weakened.
5) Role of aviation is greatly exaggerated - because of buggy casualties algorithm (land losses and sea losses are swapped)
6) Wounded management is unrealistic. Too slow healing by factor of 20
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